Wife sells ‘selfish git’s’ 300bhp supercharged Triumph in tongue-in-cheek Ebay ad
And she’s using the proceeds to get the lounge ‘pimped’

A WIFE is advertising her husband’s motorcycle in a tongue-in-cheek Ebay ad.
Alison Raynor, East Lancashire, wrote the advert when her husband decided to sell his highly-modified Triumph Rocket III.
Alison wrote: “My husband’s 300BHP monster cruiser is up for sale and I’m finally getting the lounge pimped with the proceeds!
“The selfish git has spent several kitchens turning this into an overpowered drag sofa. It is actually only 299 hp at the back wheel but that is more than enough to cure the most rigid of constipations.”
Tony, boss of Abbey Telecom in Blackburn, explained this wasn’t the first bike he had heavily invested in before selling. He has previously owned a Harley Davidson and a 5.7L V8 Chevrolet.
Speaking of his wife, Tony said: “She was always given me stick about my bikes. She would rather have another pair of shoes.
“The way it works is I get a new bike and she gets a new kitchen.”
The Ebay ad has now had almost 6,000 views and is sitting on a £10,000 bid with 162 watchers.
Mrs Raynor said that those interested in the bike should: “Message me and I will reply with the imbecile’s phone number so that you can speak your endless drivel together.”
One of the comments on the ad says: “Let’s be honest now, wives don’t usually know the first thing about the bloke’s bike, let alone where he got the paint done.”
Alison replied: “I know where the pathetic imbecile got everything done because he schlepped me around the country buying the useless nonsense.”
You can find the Ebay ad here, although Alison advises married men to not bother "so as to quell the screams of their soon be ex-wives."