ULEZ Scrappage Scheme announced
The London Mayor has announced a ULEZ Scrappage Scheme for disabled people and those on a low income which provides a £1000 grant towards a new vehicle when scrapping their old one

THE Mayor of London has announced a new Scrappage Scheme which provides people with a grant of £1000 when they scrap their old uncompliant vehicle for a ULEZ compliant one.
The scheme is aimed to help those on a low income and disabled people to help them to avoid having to pay the £12.50 per day ULEZ charge.
The scheme will pay those scrapping a PTW (motorcycle) £1000 towards a new bike, while those scrapping an old car will receive a £2000 grant towards a new, ULEZ friendly set of wheels.
The system will pick up on those people how are eligible for the scheme through the type of benefits they are paid, and the grant for the new vehicle can only be applied to one which meets the ULEZ criteria.
Who can apply for the ULEZ Scrappage Scheme?
To apply for the scheme you must live in one of London’s 32 boroughs or the City of London and receive one of the benefits below:
- Universal Credit
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- Attendance Allowance
- Carer's Allowance
- Child Tax Credit
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Income Support
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
- Jobseeker's Allowance
- Pension Credit
- Personal Independence Payment
- Severe Disablement Allowance
- War Pensions Mobility Supplement
- Working Tax Credit
To scrap a vehicle under the new scheme, motorcycles, mopeds and cars must be registered at the address of the applicant and owned for 12 months or longer. They must be insured at the time of the scrappage, have an up-to-date MoT and be road taxed and not be eligible to travel in the ULEZ.
For more information head to: tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/ultra-low-emission-zone