Tramigo T22: Track your bike anywhere
Bike thieves beware, as this new gadget will track your bike anywhere and send you a text if it's on the move

THE TRAMIGO T22 TrackMeBike is a new round-the-clock watchdog that notifies you the minute your machine unexpectedly moves. The size of a cigarette packet, its capabilities really pack a punch in the fight against bike theft.
Easily fitted in less than 30 minutes, movement causes the T22 to send a text message to up to ten authorised mobile phones, advising you as to what's going on. The alert provides a grid reference you can instantly pass on to the police, and can be updated every 60 seconds. The device enables you to keep a continuous eye on where your machine is travelling using GPS satellite technology.
You can send text messages via the T22, to assess its position. It will reply with a grid reference of the nearest landmark, or a Lat Long reference. Using your PC and TrackMeGo software, you can see the exact location live on a map.
The T22 costs £249 including power installation lead, battery back up and SIM, carriage and VAT. The only other expense relates to text messages sent. These can be minimised, according to which of five cellular networks you choose to adopt. The T22 has an in-built gazetteer of 10,000 landmarks and up to 500 others can be added by the user. A bike thief can steal a bike in 15 seconds, but in even less time, you can be fully aware of what is happening, simply by referring to your mobile.
For more information visit or call 0800 6800 869.