Proposal to Turn Ex-School Site Into Motorcycle Showroom Made
A proposal to turn a former school site into a motorcycle showroom has been made in Haverfordwest, Wales

A former school site in Pembrokeshire, Wales could soon be home to a motorcycle showroom after a proposal was made to take over the site.
An application has been made by Noel Davies of Merlin Autos Wales Ltd, who wishes to change the use of the former Castle School Building on Snowdrop Lane, Haverfordwest. Merlin Motorcycles is in need of a new premise and the former school site also includes an ancillary café.
The site is currently vacant, having previously been used for cookery and teaching provision by the former independent Castle School.
The proposal from Merlin Motorcycles has been made to the Pembrokeshire County Council and it will be heard at a later date although said date has not yet been disclosed.
A supporting statement from agent, Ian Bartlett, of the Planning and Architectural Services says: “The submitted scheme is required to relocate to sustain the viability of the existing business operation Merlin Motorcycles currently located in the Prendergast area of Haverfordwest.
“Merlin Motorcycles, a subsidiary of Merlin Auto Services, was established in March 2016 to cater to the local motorcycle community in Pembrokeshire. Merlin Motorcycles operates from a former car showroom in Prendergast, Haverfordwest, with a floor area of only 122 square metres.
“Since its inception, the company has experienced steady growth and has outgrown its current premises. Recently, the installation of double yellow lines on the highway outside the Prendergast site has posed challenges in terms of parking and customer accessibility. The lack of space in the current location limits the amount of stock that can be displayed and stored on site.”
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