Mick Broom has spent the last three decades building motorcycles for the eccentric millionaire Lord Hesketh’s company. Last month, he finally retired...
“The story began in 2002, that was the time we had finished the Adventure and we thought about other ideas to use the V-twin engine. We outsourced it to Kiska to make a prototype, in late 2002 the first prototype was finished and it was rideable. I believe it still exists. The second bike was the show model.
He's America's most notorious chopper builder and a stateside household name in his own right, his bikes go for as much as $150,000 each and he's signed more naked breasts than you've had hot dinners. Meet Billy Lane
Being a MotoGP superhero makes Valentino Rossi very popular indeed. But all that fame can be a burden. Here we meet Vale's inner circle - the close allies who control and protect his image
Eddie sits with Barry Sheene and Evel Knievel as a biking icon and now takes on his biggest challenge - to walk again. And who said white men can't jump?
Four years into his 500GP career, and Max Biaggi still hasn't won the ultimate prize the sport can offer. In a couple of years, he lost to riders he is rated higher than by most. When will Max become more than just another factor?