Brazilian bike thief escapes high speed police chase
Police chase, motorcycle crash, guns pulled... No this isn't something out of a Jason Statham movie.

FOOTAGE RECORDED on a helmet camera reportedly shows a bike thief attempting to evade motorcycle police officers in Brazil.
The high speed chase shows the alleged suspect flying through intersections and red lights before erratically weaving through a housing estate. The escapee is then thrown off of the motorcycle as he collides with an on-coming vehicle - though continues on foot. Seemingly unscathed, he removes his helmet and climbs over a gated fence next to the incident. The trailing officers point weapons at the suspect as he climbs onto a building and subsequently escapes on the roof.
The video was uploaded in January along with the description: "Alpha Motorcycle officers of the 13th Battalion of the Military Police of Paraná State tried to make the approach to a theft suspect".
The suspect's arrest is yet to be reported.