Check out this one-wheeled electric motorcycle
And watch as it's tested on a misty beach

ELECTRIC bikes are the future, right?
What about electric one-wheelers?
This is the Mega Hub Motor Electric Unicycle. Designed by John Dingley it’s a 3000-watt hubmotor self-balancing monocycle.
The main wheel measures 17-inches, while a smaller stabilizer wheel sticks out the front for emergency use. The monocycle features a mismatched array of components, including a jet intake from an old aircraft, a Kelly motor controller usually found in electric boats, and self-balancing components packed into a 1950s Ural motorcycle headlamp pod.
In the video blurb, Dingley writes: “At no time in this video did we get beyond 20% of maximum power and yet it is still way faster than anything else we have built so far.
“The main speed limitation is fear. It is clearly capable of going much faster."
Watch more videos of the unicycle's development and testing here.