Public Access - James Toseland Road Ride
With just days to go before Brands Hatch WSB, Bertie Simmonds takes a road ride on the wild side with 2004 World champ and Great British hope James Toseland

You will not see James Toseland stripping if he wins at Brands Hatch World Supers. I'm sorry ladies, but his impromptu strip at Silverstone, when he secured two hard-fought WSB podiums, caused such a furore that it spelled the end for the Sheffield lad getting down to his kecks for all but Cosmo's recent charity centrefold collection.
While women love him and we cheer for him come race day, for us blokes it would be all-too easy to hate James Toseland. The reason is simple: envy. Firstly, he's awesome on a motorcycle, second he's an ex-world champion - and will be again. Thirdly, he's a fit bloke and a good-looking lad, and finally he can tinkle the ivories and plays keyboards and sings with a band. And if you're a bloke, does it really get any better than that?
At the moment though, he's wide-eyed from having a biker's blast on a road-going Fireblade. Best bit has been the casual nods from the riders we meet head-on, oblivious to who this really is. They probably think he's some wannabe in a set of Winston Ten Kate rep leathers.
But no, this is the real McCoy. "I don't usually ride on the road," admits James. "And you've seen the
reasons why! I can't help myself. It's all the adrenalin, y'see? That's what I want from riding a bike. I can't just potter around, really I can't. I mean, if I was riding from here in Manchester to Sheffield back home I'd be banned before I turned up at my mum's. I'm that bad..."
Indeed, James.
But let's get down to business. Ostensibly, we're here to talk about the impending World Superbike round at Brands Hatch on 6 August. Something James is seriously looking forward to, although as we've already mentioned he will be keeping a tight rein on his emotions and clothing this time. Maybe...
"I can't believe it," he laughs, "I've been banned from stripping! My leather sponsors were a bit annoyed you see, with me not wearing them on the podium, which I can understand. But the other problem was with the organisers of the race, who said there was a scrap that went on for 20 minutes as people tried to get hold of the leathers. I had no idea. Thing was, to get onto the podium I had to nab a pair of trousers off one of the Ten Kate mechanics, and he's obviously Dutch and you know how tall they can be, so I'm on the podium looking daft with these huge trousers on while the mechanic is running around in the pits trying to
get hold of a pair of trousers that fit."
This is the sparky James Toseland we remember from almost 10 years ago when he was the Next Big Thing in British racing. The young Toseland had wiped the floor with his competitors in the 1997 CB500 Cup, and had special dispensation to ride in the British Supersport 600 championship at just 16 years of age. He finished third overall. I also remember this talented lad being a little bit too excited about winning at Brands and wheelying off the back of his CBR600.
Since then he's become the polished professional. Perhaps a little too polished. But away from the pressure-cooker of racing things are different.
He's chatting like a mad thing after the road ride. With all of the very understandable hero worship going on from the assembled lads, and me, the question needs to be asked: does a home round help your chances of winning?
"It does make a difference, it really does," says James. "You can feel the support as you come out onto the track. Really, you can. I was made up to get two podiums at Silverstone, but now it's time to pin down Brands Hatch. I love it there, but I've not had much luck. In the last two years I've had mechanical problems. It's time to do the business for the fans."