What has Ryan Reynolds got to do with motorcycle safety?
Quite a lot, actually...

DO YOU want to be responsible for the death of Deadpool?
That's the message from a group of motorcyclists, appealing to drivers to watch out for them on the roads.
The bikers, standing against a plain backdrop, ask the motorists to think about the fact that they are someone's husband, sister, best friend and father, as well as being a motorcyclist.
That behind the helmet could be 'someone everyone loves, someone who the world would be lost without. Someone like film legend Ryan Reynolds...'
'So next time you change lanes without looking, pull into traffic without looking, U-turn, follow too closely, or basically do anything without using your eyes,' the bikers continue. 'You could miss seeing Ryan Reynolds on a motorcycle.
'And you could kill Ryan Reynolds.'
The video, posted by Tobacco Motorwear Company, has been viewed more than 1.3 million times and shared 36,000 times.
If even half of those are drivers that take note of the message it's a definitely success!