Top 10 worst drivers on the road
Insurance stats reveal who to avoid…

It’s one of the standard questions whenever you apply for car or bike insurance: 'What’s your profession?' But does it really make a difference?
Well, it seems that it does, and not in the way you might expect. For years insurers have asked that same question and for just as long we’ve all answered, not knowing whether our reply is about to send our premiums through the roof or slash them in half.
Now, though, data from across the British insurance industry has been analysed by car insurer 1st Central to come up with a list of the best and worst car drivers on the roads, in terms of their profession.
Yes, it’s a clear grab for publicity and no, there isn’t a detailed breakdown of the statistics to check how the conclusions have been reached. But since insurers work on analysing risks, we’re prepared to give them a pass on that and assume that it’s been done properly. What we do know is that the list is based on the number of car insurance claims each of these professions made.
So if you’re out riding, these are the professions of the drivers most likely to knock you off – and they’re not the ones we would have expected.
10. Train driver
Not the most comforting news for anyone using the rail network on a regular basis, apparently train drivers are the tenth-worst car drivers in terms of accidents. Presumably it’s that whole ‘steering’ thing that throws them…