Butts Quarry Motocross Track Prepares for Court Battle
Butts Quarry is one of the UK’s favourite MX and enduro tracks, and it is about to do battle with its neighbours over noise

IT’S a story that is nearly as old as the motorcycle itself: people move next to a racetrack that has been there for years and complains about the noise.
And more often than not when this happens, the authorities side with the Nimby neighbours and uphold their complaints. We can only hope that isn’t the case here, as one of Britain’s best-loved and oldest motocross and enduro facilities is set to do battle in court after complaints from neighbours over motorbike noise.
The owners of Butts Quarry are preparing for a judicial review next month, something that they hope will overturn a noise abatement order served by North East Derbyshire District Council.
To fight against the closure, the owners of the track are pouring all their resources into the appeal process, with Jennifer Dring (the track’s co-owner) estimating the cost at around £45,000 – equivalent to an entire year’s worth of trading.

And it’s not like all the track’s neighbours are against it running, nearly 15,000 have signed the petition we shared last year, with many of those coming from the local area. To help smooth things over, the track only operates once every two weeks, with only five hours of running allowed and static noise tests being brought in for all bikes. It does beg the question; what more can the owners do?
A North East Derbyshire District Council spokesperson said:
“The Council has served an abatement notice with regard to nuisance caused by activity at Butts Quarry. This is subject to an appeal by the operator which will be considered by the Court in due course.”
The petition to keep motorcycle sport at Butt Quarry is still running, show your support here.