Gonna ride a classic (Suzuki)?
Gonna ride it round Cadwell? Well have we got news for you...

SUZUKI GB has been making much of the support it offers for its classic bikes of late. Over the past few years, the firm has worked hard on its vintage parts setup, making sure that owners of RG500s, GSX-R1100s, GT750s and many more sweet old-skool bikes can get bits. The firm's Tim Davies also runs the Suzuki Classic race team which rocks an awesome Katana and XR69 round various classic race events over the season, and he's done an amazing job with the whole thing.

And now Suzuki's organising a special classics-only trackday at Cadwell Park on September 13 this year. All pre-2000 Suzuki classic bike owners are welcome - and there are groups to cover all the bases; novice, up to 750cc, two-strokes, and over 750cc. Free chest wigs will be on offer to all those turning up on GSX-R1100s we hear.
Each group gets six 15 minute sessions on track, and the event costs just £125. And a little bird tells us there just might be a few properly legendary race bikes going round - maybe including the odd 500GP bike and the like. We can smell the two-stroke oil smoke already.

There will also be a veritable smorgasbord of old-school Suzuki race heroes too - from Steve Parrish and Phil Read to Jamie Whitham, television's Guy Martin, John Reynolds and many more. Add in a load of trade stands, gorgeous old Suzukis on display, drag bikes, dirt bikes and much much more. Phew!
More info on the trackday here. We'll be going along for sure!