Moped crime – finally some good news

New police tactics including use of stingers and four BMW GSes begin to drive down moped crime and motorcycle theft.

Moped crime – finally some good news

MOPED crime in London is falling thanks to new police tactics including the use of four BMW F700GSes and tyre-puncturing stingers, according to the Met.

The specially-adapted BMWs, remote-controlled stingers and gang-targeting intelligence are leading to a reduction in thefts and an increase in arrests, the force says.

Thefts of motorcycles and scooters fell 25% between July and September this year, while scooter-enabled crime fell 24%, according to figures released by the force.

The force said an initiative encouraging owners to better secure their scooters had also been successful.

Moped crime – finally some good news

The remote-controlled stingers.

Met Commissioner Cressida Dick said: "I have been clear that tackling violence is my priority. I was angered by the apparent perception amongst some criminals that they could operate with near impunity, committing strings of offences using scooters.

"We have brought all our tactics and specialists together to use every ethical option to put a stop to the rise; arrest those responsible; disrupt offenders; dismantle the criminal markets that make these offences lucrative and change the public's behaviour to make them a part of our effort."

Moped crime – finally some good news

Moped crime – finally some good news

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