Motovlogger films quintessential British traffic exchange
'No, you first, I insist'

IF YOU'VE ever delved into the land of YouTube Motovloggers then you'll be familiar with Royal Jordanian.
With more than 800,000 subscribers he's no stranger to attention
But his latest video has gone international, for a very strange reason.
The vlogger films himself filtering on an electric bike in Piccadilly Circus, but as he comes up alongside one double decker bus the driver sticks an arm out the window, waving him to stop. The reason? A pedestrian is crossing the road ahead.
In typical British fashion, the pedestrian pauses and waves for RJ to pass. RJ of course does the same thing and the man nods in thanks before wandering off.
A casual thumbs up and fist pump with the bus driver and he continues on his way.
A silent five second encounter, but one that's captured hearts worldwide as quintessentially British...