Niall Mackenzie Honoured With Road Named After Him at Knockhill
He might be a multiple British Champion and former Grand Prix racer, but surely this is his biggest achievement!?

Niall Mackenzie has been honoured at the Knockhill circuit in Scotland this week, with the main road into the venue being named after him.
The circuit has close ties to Scotland’s most famous motorcycle racer, as Mackenzie is President of the Knockhill Motor Sports Club, hosts his track days and track riding schools at the venue and works with young riders to help bring on the next generation of Scottish riding talent. To mark this commitment one of only a handful of motorsport venues north of the border, the management team have now named the main drive into Knockhill from the A823 “Mackenzie Drive”. Marking the occasion, an unveiling ceremony yesterday (Monday, April 9) in the presence of Niall, his son Taylor, Circuit Owner Jillian Shedden and Director of Events Stuart Gray.

Speaking about the tribute, Niall said he was “Shocked, surprised, speechless, honoured and proud,” going on to say “The very existence of Knockhill paved the way for my fantastic life, never mind the incredible fun and memories over the past 40 years with you guys. The family is blown away and chuffed to bits with ‘Mackenzie Drive’ so this really is the icing on the cake”.
Jillian Shedden, the Circuit Owner, added: “It’s our pleasure, a small token to thank you for all you have done for us and to mark the amazing achievements of all of the Mackenzie family”.

As well as being a famous name in the world of racing, Niall has also dipped his toe into the world of motorcycle journalism, with some of the bike reviews on being written by his own fair hand. He is also solely responsible for the motorcycle track riding guides you can find on the website, so if you want to find out how to ride many of the top global motorsport tracks like a GP legend, check them out!
You can find the latest motorcycle news on Visordown.