Paraplegic stuntman to ride again
Wheelchair bound daredevil to perform again after 35 years out of action

THIRTY FIVE years after paralysing himself after a motorcycle stunt went horribly wrong, Bob Gill as hoping to perform again after new revolutionary surgery.
The procedure, called laser puncture, is to be conducted by French surgeon Dr. Albert Bohbot and will involve mending Gill's damaged spinal cord by laser.
If the operation is successful Gill has his sights set on racing a jet bike through 13 walls of fire. A special race suit is already being designed for Gill, as well as parachutes to stop the bike.
"That project is my big baby right now," he said.
Before his accident Gill was emerging as a rival to Evel Knievel, with a toy deal lined up with Mattel, and Valvoline discussed paying him 5 cents on every can of motor oil sold over a five-year period. Gill even planned to jump a bike over the Rolling Stones at a live concert during the song, "Jumpin' Jack Flash."