Police catch speeding motorcyclists by hiding in a tractor
Tractor and horsebox speed trap in use on the B1253 in East Yorskshire

POLICE have been hiding in a tractor to catch speeding motorcyclists.
Humberside Police has been using the tractor along with a horsebox to catch speeding riders on a high-casualty road in East Yorkshire.
Guidance says speed camera vehicles should be ‘liveried and clearly identifiable as an enforcement vehicle'.
But the force says it is not against rules to use hand-held speed guns in unmarked vehicles.
The tractor speed trap has been deployed on the B1253, where it was photographed by a motorcyclist.
The unnamed rider told the MailOnline: 'There had been rumours there was a tractor being used, but I couldn't believe it when I saw the horsebox the first week and then the tractor too.
'As I walked towards the tractor and past it I heard some bikes coming and sure enough they were stopped afterwards.
'Looking at the tractor I was immediately suspicious as the tyres don't have a scratch or a bit of mud on them.
'Don't get me wrong the police helped me recently when I was knocked off my bike but I don't think they should be hiding cameras like this.'
Humberside Police Inspector Mark Hughes said: ‘Vehicles which are detected travelling at very high speeds are stopped further along the road and drivers/riders are spoken to and dealt with at the roadside.
'Although the majority of offenders are motorcycles, a number of cars are also dealt with on this operation. We regularly record speeds in the high 90s and over 100mph, these being on country roads where the national speed limit of 60 mph is in force.
'It goes without saying that such speeds on these roads are inherently dangerous, particularly when you consider how many side roads and field entrances there are.
'Someone pulling out onto the road does not expect a vehicle coming towards them at such high speeds, the likelihood of a catastrophic collision is raised considerably.
'This operation is aimed at the small percentage of riders/drivers, who insist on driving at dangerously high speeds on our country roads, not only endangering themselves, but other innocent road users.'
The B1253 has been the site of 76 collisions including three fatalities in the past decade.