Police launch new motorcycle road safety campaign in Wales

Police will patrol high-risk roads, engaging with bikers at popular meeting spots & checking bikes are roadworthy aiming to reduce motorcycle accidents.

South Yorkshire Police off-road motorcycle team
South Yorkshire Police off-road motorcycle team

POLICE in Wales have launched their annual road safety campaign, and will be hoping to curb the issues that may lead to bikers being involved in road-related accidents, whether at fault or not.

Operation Darwen, the code name for the campaign, will involve officers patrolling high-risk roads, engaging with bikers at popular meeting spots, and checking the condition of motorcycles - paying particular attention to tread levels, tyre pressures and brakes.

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Welsh coastal ride Tracer 9 GT dash

With some exceptionally stunning roads in Wales - as we found out recently on the Yamaha Tracer 9 GT launch - paired with an increase in motorcycle activity will mean motorcyclists will be searching for the best roads in the UK to explore. 

It's not just motorcyclists in this case, but all road users - with particular focus on making sure drivers take extra care when pulling out of junctions, a la 'Think Bike!'

Police will be visible on roads marked as high risk areas, ensuring that all motorists are “extra vigilant for motorcycles during their journey”. 

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think bike docbike signs

Roads Policing Unit at North Wales Police, Chief Inspector Jon Aspinall, was quoted saying:

“Reducing casualties on our roads remains one of our top priorities.

“We will continue to target, with a view to prosecution, all those that ride or drive dangerously, at excess speed, overtake on solid white lines or commit any other road traffic offences.

“Op Darwen is not about spoiling people’s fun but encourages all road users to be safe and competent with the aim of reducing the number of collisions on our roads.”

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One of the most common themes in collisions involving motorcycles is worn or under-inflated tyres, and officers will be checking motorcycles to ensure they meet these basic safety standards - things that can be kept on top of with regular basic checks of your machine. You don't want to win the Darwen award.

2020 saw 70 motorcyclists killed or seriously injured in North Wales alone, and although a 4.10% decrease from 2019, is a number the Roads Police are hoping can be lower with their campaign.

Motorcycle road safety campaign for Wales

seized motorcycle
seized motorcycle

Mark Travis, South Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable & Strategic lead for Roads Policing in Wales said:

“Everyone has the right to travel on the road safely. We’re working to make roads safer for all road users, sadly the number of serious injuries and fatalities includes motorcyclists.

“We’re asking the public to remember that motorcyclists can be difficult to see, and can easily be injured when cars pull out of junctions, and can be affected by side wind when being overtaken.”

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