Scottish cops' warning for NW200-bound bikers
Heading for the North-West? Take it easy on the roads to the Cairnryan ferry

The weather is looking pretty good this week, and if you're going to Coleraine/Portrush for the NW200, we're well jel, as the kids say. But, Dumfries and Galloway police have announced that they'll be paying extra attention to the routes leading to Stranraer, watching for naughty antics. The roads round that part of the world are amazing, quiet and with great scenery. But this weekend is probably not the time to be exploring them at warp nine.
Sgt Doug Millar of Police Scotland told the BBC: "The peak times for bikes travelling to the race will start on Thursday 17 May, building up to the race on Saturday and Sunday/Monday will see the bikes return through our region.
"A policing plan has been developed over the years to assist the motorcyclists to pass safely through our region and it has proved very successful. Once again we will put this plan into operation which will mean increased police patrols all along the A75 and on the A77 roads."
So you've been warned! Steady away, and leave in plenty of time to catch the boat...