West Midlands motorcycle theft down in Q4 2017, but up overall
The Q4 drop is attributed to increased police presence

WEST MIDLANDS motorcycle theft dropped by 25 per cent in the last quarter of 2017, figures obtained by the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) have revealed.
However, overall bike theft figures for 2017 were more than 13 per cent higher than in 2016 and West Midlands motorcyclists are still over 8 times more likely to be victims of vehicle theft than car owners.
The MAG Freedom of Information (FOI) request data showed that in the last quarter of 2017 motorcycle theft reduced by 25 per cent when compared with the same period in 2016. The 2016 figures showed a massive spike of thefts around Halloween, which coincided with increased antisocial use of motorcycles.
As a result, West Midlands Police expanded their presence on the lead-up to Halloween 2017 and it paid off.
PC Paul Ennis of West Midlands Police commented: “West Midlands Police are delighted to see a reduction in the number of motorcycle thefts for the period; it shows that a partnership approach to this area of crime can make a significant difference.
“We will continue to work with partners and offer advice at a series of events over the coming year. Our aim is to reduce the number of machines that get stolen, reducing the personal loss to individuals and the knock on effect that stolen machines have in other areas of criminal antisocial behaviour.”
Colin Brown, Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement for MAG, added: “This is a welcome development that demonstrates that proactive policing and the raft of measures being used by West Midlands Police are having an impact.
Commenting on the overall rise in bike theft in the area, he said: “The scale of this issue sees bikers being significantly more likely to have their vehicle stolen than other road users. The fight is far from over, but this may just indicate a tipping point – let’s keep up the pressure.”