Yamaha secures patents for R numbers 1 through 9, plus R15, R20, R25
After filing the patents, can we expect a whole range of YZF-R’s to be on the horizon from Yamaha, covering practically every engine size possible?

YAMAHA has filed patents for the YZF-R patents, with every number 1-9, as well as 15, 20, 25.
The full list of registered patents in February by Yamaha covers: YZF-R1, YZF-R2, YZF-R3, YZF-R4, YZF-R5, YZF-R6, YZF-R7, YZF-R8, YZF-R9, YZF-R10, YZF-R15 & YZF-R25. The patent also includes the abbreviations R1, R2, R3… okay, you get the picture.
Most interesting though is the inclusion of the Yamaha R9 on this list, pointing to an MT-09-based sports bike.
2021 Yamaha MT-09 first ride
Of course, a large number of these YZF-R bikes already exist, and the patent will be for their continued use & sale. Like the YZF-R15 & R25, both sold in the Asian markets, with a single 150cc and 250cc twin-cylinder motor respectively.
Back to the UK and Europe (and beyond), and we all know and love the YZF-R1, R3 and R6 - and there are very real confirmations of the R7 coming to light as a middleweight sportsbike that’ll share the MT-07 motor, after documents were filed in California for the emissions regulations certificate.

Motorcycle.com got their hands on the patent filings, which show every patent filed as above.
Some may then draw the obvious line to match up the new and improved MT-09 with a YZF-R9 version, and it’s an open goal for Yamaha to make use of their CP3 triple-cylinder 890cc in a faired sportsbike…
Perhaps we’ll also see a resurrection of the R6, which is now restricted to trackdays due to pesky emissions regulations.
Loads of new Yamaha YZF-R numbers on the way?

As long as there's some funky colourschemes involved, I'm all about a new YZF-R number whatever!
It can be argued that Yamaha has simply filed for these patents to prevent copycats from releasing some type of ‘YZF-R8’ competitor, but as far as I’m aware Japanese patents require you to actually have a planned use for the trademark for it to be filed, otherwise after a period of time the patent can be applied for by someone else. But I’m not a lawyer by any stretch of the imagination.
So, whatever happens, I’m just hoping there’s a reveal around the corner of 12 new and updated sportsbikes for us all to enjoy. It’ll be like the 12 days of Christmas, but for adults!