"You’ve got to be in it…
…To win it! Top Brit kit firm Spada launches gear giveaway lottery

UK BIKE brand Spada has launched a brand new competition for its online fans. Dubbed the ‘Spada National Lottery’, the easy-to-enter giveaway has a massive range of prizes – from days out at the Ron Haslam race school, to big-value ‘virtual trolley dashes’ through the Spada website.

Just like the National Lottery, prize winners are chosen at random – and of course, you ‘have to be in it to win it’… The current draw is for a range of Spada kit giveaways - £250, £500 and £750 to spend at the Spada website – www.spadaclothing.co.uk. The site has a massive range of riding kit, from smart retro jackets and jeans to slick race leathers, helmets, boots and gloves.

The most recent Spada Lottery prize was a day out at the Ron Haslam school for two – a huge £1500 total value. Winner Garry Mosedale from Derby said, “Massive thanks to Spada Motorcycle Clothing UK! Myself and my friend Dave had an absolutely fantastic day at Ron Haslam’s Race School, Courtesy of #Spadalottery. Yes, I’m a real person who won a genuine prize.....big sceptic proved wrong. Thanks again Spada and Mark Ingleby”
The competition is live now across the brand’s social media pages – Facebook, Twitter (@SpadaClothingUK) and Instagram. The prize winners will all be drawn on August 8th.
* Story produced in association with Spada UK