BMF calls for quiet amid complaints of noisy motorcycles
They are asking all motorcyclists to refrain from high RPMs in residential areas and not to ride with noisy exhausts

THE BMF has issued a statement asking all motorcyclists to respect those members of the community who don’t ride or enjoy the sound of loud motorycles.
The statement has been issued after the BMF has ‘received complaints from members of the public from all over the country’, something they claim is to do with noisy motorcycles.
They go on to advise against riding motorcycles with certain modifications that can increase the noise of the engine, also asking that riders refrain from using high RPMs in residential areas.
The full statement reads:
“The BMF has received complaints from members of the public from all over the country.
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, many of our fellow citizens are at home, either working or involuntarily idle. If they can, they are taking advantage of the perfect weather in the open air.
Motorcyclists are also taking advantage of the easing of the lockdown and the same weather to blow away a winter pandemic’s worth of cobwebs.
The BMF strongly request that their members respect the rights of their fellow citizens to some peace and quiet.
Only ride bikes with OEM exhausts or service replacements that meet the same noise standards.
Do not tamper with intake systems in such a way as to increase intake noise.
Do not, especially, use elevated RPM levels in residential areas.
If members of the BMF feel unable to comply with this request, perhaps they should reconsider their membership.
Any rider who triggers a noise camera, and the anger of the public, you brought it upon yourself.”
While there are some people that will simply see the statement as a negative swipe from the fun police to what is a perfect start to the summer riding season (weather-wise at least), at Visordown we do have to agree with the BMF on this one.
The government is actively trialing acoustic cameras and noise monitoring stations across the UK, an increase in complaints at a time like this will only bring on the onset of systems such as that even quicker.