Road tax Rises | Is the motorcycle about to shine again?
With Vehicle Excise Duty likely to take another jump in April 2022, the motorcycle might be about to become even more popular than it is already

VEHICLE Excise Duty (commonly called Road Tax of VED) is set to take another rise on April 11th, with the government looking to penalise drivers of the most polluting vehicles.
But the latest incoming changes could go even further still, with some industry insiders claiming the changes could affect based on the type of vehicle they drive – regardless of the engine type or capacity.
Obviously the worst-hit vehicles are the most polluting, although evidence suggests that the cost will be rising across the board, for everyone except the cleanest of motorists. For an average family car first registered before April 1st 2017 that will mean price rises of around £105 per year on top of the current rate. With the highest polluting vehicles paying £2,245 to use the public roads.
Now, you may be wondering where motorcycles fit into all this, and thanks for bearing with me this long! Motorcycles will of course be factored into the government's march toward greener transport, although the already less polluting, and more economical machines will see proportionally much smaller increases in VED.
Last year, chancellor Rishi Sunak released news that motorcycles were being hit by a palatable increase which saw the biggest bikes receiving a £3 per year uplift in road tax. While that isn’t any indication as to what the potential changes could be for 2022, it could still swing the pendulum of popularity further towards two wheels. Even after any price rises.

Vehicle Excise Duty 2022 | Is the motorcycle about to shine again?
Motorcycles and motorcycling in their entirety are in the ascendance currently, COVID-19 is still buoying the industry as people look away from public transport and more at the world of the powered two-wheeler. Owning a motorcycle can still be done for less than the cost of a rail season ticket from the midlands to London. With the added bonus of being able to use your bike at other times, for other journeys and so much more. With a further squeeze expected on the four-wheeled world in the coming months, are we about to see another boom in motorcycle usage?
As ever, once the official word on the 2022 tax rates are known, we’ll be bringing you all the news right here on
2021 Motorcycle VED road tax prices
Engine size (cc) | Single payment | Single by Direct Debit | 12 monthly Direct Debit | Single 6-month payment | 6 months by Direct Debit |
Not over 150 | £21 | £21 | £22.05 | N/A | N/A |
151-400 | £45 | £45 | £47.25 | N/A | N/A |
401-600 | £69 | £69 | £72.45 | £37.95 | £36.23 |
Over 600 | £96 | £96 | £100.80 | £52.80 | £50.40 |
Rates from GOV.UK