New owner of Erik Buell Racing says it could make a comeback
Liquid Asset Partners outlines its plans for EBR

WITH the sale of Eric Buell Racing (EBR) to Michigan-based Liquid Asset Partners (LAP) completing last Thursday, its new owner has said that EBR could make a comeback after it ceased operations in April 2015.
Following a nine-month process to acquire EBR, Liquid Asset Partners has just outlined its plans for the troubled marque.
LAP intends to run a two-part sale process. Part one involves working to secure a new buyer with the experience, resources and, it says, desire to continue manufacturing EBRs in the future. Part two involves selling assets to streamline the Buell operation, presumalby cutting costs and making it more attractive to prospective buyers.
Bill Melvin, CEO of Liquid Asset Partners, said in a press release:
‘I believe Erik Buell Racing (EBR) has established themselves as one of the premier motorcycle manufacturers in the world and has strong potential as a viable business. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on research and design to arrive at the EBR RS, RX, and SX platforms, which have proven themselves on the racing circuit to be state of the art and in dealer sales to be in high demand. Their bikes, out of the box, can go head to head with the top Italian race bikes. Our sale process will enable the proper exposure of the company and price flexibility that may better fit a new owner to move forward with operations. We believe any plan needs to include the support of the great team of employees of EBR. We will be working closely with management to formulate the plan. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and any interested parties or investors should contact us immediately.’