The £18,000 NC30
The world's most expensive 400?

AN as-new Honda VFR400R NC30 registered “L400VFR” and with just 1.6 miles on the clock has sold for an incredible £18,060 at auction.
The NC30 was part of a collection owned by the late drag racer Steve Tong, all of which was sold on 22 November by CJM Asset Management. The bike's price was agreed after the sale, though, as during the actual auction one internet bidder accidentally put down £70,400 – one zero more than he'd intended.
Even so, at over £18k it's surely the most expensive NC30 ever sold, since the same amount of money would buy the far more desirable, 750cc, limited-production RC30 instead (albeit not a zero-mile one – for that you'll need £40k).
Will this push up values of the baby RC30?