2019 BMW C400 GT scooter released
C400 X scooter gets the GT treatment to make a high-tech middleweight superscoot

WE LIKED the C400X scooter from BMW launched earlier this year, so this GT version should be a solid option for those who need a middelweight superscooter.
The GT uses the same 34bhp engine and steel underbone frame as the X, and revised suspension. There's more extensive bodywork for extra weather protection, and all-LED lighting all round. There's a taller windscreen, and bigger seat unit.

The underseat storage area is cunning - there's an extension flap that folds down when you're parked, so there's more room to store your lid and kit. The flap has to be closed when moving, but adding extra storage space when parked is a clever move.

Being a Beemer, it obviously has an options list the length of your arm. And your leg too. More deets from your dealer!