Brazilian daredevil finally collared
But not as you'd expect

YOUTUBE'S 'daredevil' lane-splitting sensation Kleber Atalla has been charged with killing a pedestrian - in his car.
The irony will not be lost on those who have seen the outrageous videos of Atalla 'filtering' through the streets of his native Sao Paolo, Brazil.
According to Brazil's G1, Atalla has been indicted this week over a crash in January of this year in which his Fiat Strada hit a pedestrian walking across São Paolo's Avenida Duque de Caxias.
Though there were no lights for pedestrians on that stretch of road, pedestrians are not prohibited from crossing either, giving the 53-year-old victim right of way under Brazilian traffic law. Atalla's lawyer maintains his innocence, blaming the crash on the carelessness of the pedestrian.
Atalla's collection of reckless videos, in which he routinely terrorizes traffic around the Brazilian metropolis, are something of a gift to the prosecution when the case does go to court. It's looking bad...