Mice munch Prince Williams' 1198SP wiring

Royal mice have a taste for the 1198SPs wiring

Mice munch Prince Williams' 1198SP wiring

ACCORDING to an inside source Prince William has been having some problems with the electrics on his Ducati 1198SP, however it's not a result the Italian manufacturer's infamous reputation - a pack of mice have been nibbling away on the wiring loom.

The result of the royal mice munching away on the wiring of the black 1198SP is looking to be costly for the heir to the throne, with a repair bill in the region of £6000.

However, it appears that a number of people can relate to the Prince. Car insurance specialist, Admiral has just released a list of their most bizarre claims. Here are the 12 most unusual that they have handled.

  1. The front seat passenger had a puppy on their lap which jumped down from the seat. The passenger reached down to pick up the puppy but accidently pulled up the handbrake causing the car to skid into another vehicle.
  2. A car was damaged at a village fete when a miniature pony broke loose and climbed over the bonnet.
  3. A car was damaged by a peacock which on seeing its reflection, clawed the car.
  4. A driver was distracted by a camel and an elephant tethered at the side of the road and collided with a bollard.
  5. A driver drove into a telephone pole while trying to swat a fly inside the vehicle.
  6. A rare show car, a Lancia Delta Intergrale, was destroyed while in storage by a nest of mice which chewed through the leather and foam of the two front seats, partially devoured the rear seats and completely stripped the leather from all four door interiors.
  7. A car was damaged by a group of peacocks which escaped from the owner’s neighbour’s garden.
  8. While driving, a man leaned over to stroke his dog, got distracted and crashed his car.
  9. A driver caused a multi car shunt after being startled by a spider dangling from the rear view mirror.
  10. A car was parked in a woodland car park and was damaged by a male peacock which took a dislike to the vehicle.
  11. A car was damaged by rats which entered the engine compartment and chewed through internal parts.
  12. A car was damaged while parked in a hotel car park after it was attacked by a peacock owned by the hotel.

Has your airbox fallen victim to a family of critters? Tell us your bizarre animal related motorcycle mishaps below...

Mice munch Prince Williams' 1198SP wiring

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