Barry Sheene - James Hunt documentary - ITV 1 - this Monday 10:35pm
'When Playboys Ruled the World' compares 1970s legends to modern sporting heroes

A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT 1976 Formula One star James Hunt and 500cc motorcycling legend Barry Sheene is scheduled to appear on ITV 1 this coming Monday at 10:35pm.
'When Playboys Ruled the World' looks at the iconic motorsport duo and how their success, both on and off track, captured the public imagination.
Sheene's wife Stephanie, best mate Steve Parrish, Walker and former Formula One chief Max Mosley – the subject of his own recent tabloid exposé - are just a few of the key names to feature in the programme.
The documentary compares the 1970s superstars with modern-day, clean-living sporting heroes.
"In my day when the race was done we went off and chased girls," says Stirling Moss. "Now they go and say thanks to Vodafone.