Free Rossi-style stickers with Visordown issue 9
Sticker up your bike, your lid, your laptop, hell even your dog, with these awesome stickers in Valentino's 'The Doctor' style font

We're giving away a sheet of Valentino Rossi style stickers with issue 9 of Visordown magazine, in the shops from March 17th.
The A4 sheet is bursting with over 80 individual letters so you can create your very own name in the style of Valentino Rossi's 'The Doctor' as seen on the screen of his Yamaha M1 and the arse of his leathers.
We're sure you can come up with something funnier, so that's why we've started this Rossi-style sticker gallery for you to upload images of where you've stuck your creative talent! The funniest entry as chosen by us will win a bunch of free DVDs.
What better way to see in the new MotoGP season? We're good to you lot, really we are.