Sean Emmett’s bail extended again after four-week stint in prison
Former superbike racer still under investigation over wife’s death

SEAN Emmett's bail has been extended again after he finished a four-week stint in prison for breaching a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO).
He was arrested by Surrey Police on landing at Heathrow in December 2013, following his return from Dubai where his bride fell to her death from a hotel window, and bailed until March 2014.
Emmett’s bail was then extended to 30 June, 2014, prompting the former superbike racer to tweet: 'I'm surprised Surrey Police aren't investigating me for the missing Malaysian plane! How can they rebail me til 30th June? #lifeonholdagain'
According to one of the 44-year-old’s recent tweets, his bail has now been extended again to 10 June, 2015, while police continue to investigate. Emmett tweeted: ‘rebailed today for another 6 months by Surrey Police until June 10th. #lostforwords’
The news comes shortly after Emmett finished a four-week prison sentence for breaching a DVPO, which required him to stay away from a woman, as well as banning him from entering or going within 100m of the Black Horse pub in New Haw Road, Surrey.
Emmett’s wife Abbie, 27, fell from the fourth floor of Jumeirah Creekside Hotel in Garhoud on 19 February, 2013, during a 48-hour stopover in Dubai following the couple’s wedding in Cape Town, South Africa.