Shiny Side Up launches new SMIDSY video safety campaign
The latest video campaign focusses on filtering safely, overtaking and more, and see the world through the eyes of a biker and car driver

AS the country moves slowly back to some sort of normality post-COVID-19, it’s fair to assume that a large proportion of us will have ridden our bikes a lot less in the year than we would have hoped!
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To help riders ease themselves back into the act of riding, motorcycle safety charity Shiny Side Up has released a new video campaign aimed at improving rider and driver awareness and reducing the most common causes of collisions.
Obviously the SMIDSY (standing for Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You) features heavily in the campaign videos, with overtaking, filtering, and braking for bends also featuring in the eight video series. The videos are produced using computer-generated 3d graphics, with key moments in the video freezing the rider in time and overlaying the key tips for safer riding.
The videos are being shared across the Shiny Side Up social media pages, as well as being given a dedicated landing page on the charity's webpage - found here.
The videos can also be downloaded without any of the overlayed safety messages on them, making them an ideal tool for motorcycle riding schools and training centres to use as a learning tool.

The original Know the Dangers resource is available in three formats: a full colour series of road layouts, a Powerpoint presentation for use in teaching and other presentations, and a set of road layout diagrams for training use.
To check out all the videos for yourself, head to :