Police social media confirms motorcycle criminals will not be pursued
In a now-deleted post on Facebook, Southampton Police confirm that motorcycle criminals in the county will not be pursued due to the danger posed

WITH motorcycle crime in some parts of the country spiraling out of control, you’d think that the last thing a police force would want to do would be to open the door to more motorcycle crime.
That seems to have gone over the head of one member of staff at Southampton Police after they posted a lengthy update on the force’s Facebook page outlining all the reasons that they would not chase motorcycle criminals.
The post, which has now been deleted, was in response to questions posed by followers relating to the force’s stance on pursuing people riding illegally or on stolen or non-roadworthy motorcycles.
The response explained that ‘Hampshire Police do not currently pursue motorcycles for a multitude of reasons.’ It went on to list the safety of those riding the bikes and the general public as the main factors, also noting that the nature of the riding becomes more dangerous as a chase ensues.
The post did though explain that the Police will follow up on motorcycle-related crime, although only if the crime itself is ‘proportionate with further investigation’. We’re taking that to mean that should your bike be stolen and it is insured, issuing a crime number is a ‘proportionate’ response.

Not only is the news distressing for motorcyclists in the county, it also seems to be a misadvised post to share on an official police Facebook account. It is basically a green light to any motorcycle thieves and riders of illegal off-road bikes to tear up the county, safe in the knowledge they will not be pursued at any cost.
It also does beg the question of, where will Hampshire Police draw the line? Just held a jewellery shop or bank? Make off on a stolen moped, ditch your helmet and you're free to leave is what seems to be the message. Obviously, that sounds far-fetched, but from the tone of the post seen above, it's what is being insinuated.
We reached out to the Hampshire Police for a response on this a few days ago. Sadly the email bounced back to us claiming that the email address, that was advised on their website, was no longer in use…
Picture from Sarah Baptiste | The UK Motorcycle Theft Protest