Watsonian Squire increases production to meet foreign demand
Weaker pound helps Britain’s biggest sidecar manufacturer during start of 2017

WATSONIAN Squire is reporting it’s seen a significant increase in global demand for its sidecars during the first four months of 2017.
To meet foreign demand for its sidecars, the north Cotswold company has increased production by 50% as orders come in from America, Indonesia, Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Ben Matthews, Watsionian Squire’s sales director said: ‘Last year exports accounted for 30% of production; this year we're exporting around 55%. Without a doubt the lower value of the Pound has helped, but we also have the technical expertise to supply fitting kits too, so that they can attach the sidecar to their customers' motorcycles safely and securely.’
Watsonian is the UK's largest and longest-established sidecar manufacturer, has been around for 105 years and is one of a few handcar manufacturers in the world.