What’s the Latest with Liberty Media’s MotoGP Takeover?

Liberty Media’s takeover of MotoGP is still ongoing despite the initial agreement between the American company and Dorna being announced in April 2024

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If you’ve kept up to date then you will know that Liberty Media agreed to acquire 86 per cent of MotoGP, which was expected to be complete by the end of 2024. However, here we are coming towards the end of March and there is still no news on if or even when the takeover will happen.

The acquisition from Dorna Sports, which will remain in the picture as the holder of the other 14 per cent of MotoGP rights, was expected to be finalised some time in December before an investigation into the takeover from the European Commissions led to delays. So where do things stand?

For starters, the takeover, worth $4.2 billion (£3.25 billion), is still under review, although is expected to be completed at some stage while a new extended date for regulatory approval of its MotoGP purchase has been confirmed for 30 June, 2025.

The investigation by the European Commissions was opened to look into concerns that Liberty’s ownership of both F1 and MotoGP could have a monopoly-like effect on broadcasters due to an increase in costs of licensing.

While the holdup has been anything but ideal, Liberty Media will own the two biggest championships in motorsport once its acquisition of MotoGP is complete, and in its recent Q4 financial results, which came out in February, the company is in a very good position.

2024 F1 fan attendance was reported to have reached 6.5 million, up by 9 per cent compared to 2023, while the American firm achieved 1.6 billion cumulative TV viewers and 97 million social media followers.

It renewed several race promotion agreements, including the Belgian Grand Prix in a multi-year rotation, the Dutch Grand Prix through to 2026, the Chinese Grand Prix through to 2030, and both the Italian and Monaco Grands Prix through to 2031.

Derek Chang, Liberty Media President & CEO, said: “My time as a board member has enabled an efficient transition as we move quickly to accomplish our strategic priorities for 2025. This includes capitalizing on Formula 1’s success with the key building blocks to drive continued growth, closing the acquisition of MotoGP and addressing the Liberty Live structure.”

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